Call it "Snowpocalypse" or call it "Philly gets a taste of New England" -- we have had a LOT of snow this week. Maybe more snow than our first three winters in Philadelphia combined. We had a couple feet last Saturday, and about as much again on Wednesday. Although all the snow is going to make it hard to get to the exterior house projects we're trying to do, it's been really nice to be snowed in for a few days. Here's our backyard after snowstorm #1.

Here's our front yard & street after snowstorm #2.

I thought Emily might be interested in the snow, or want to thrash around in it a little. Nope. She just sat completely still and stared straight ahead. At least we got to try out her snowsuit. :) Here are a few pictures...

Emily usually takes her third nap of the day in the carrier, tucked into one of our jackets. It's nice for Alasdair & I to get to catch up after a day of work and to be outside. After being in the house all day on Wednesday, we decided we needed our walk. So despite the fact that the snow was still coming down hard, we bundled Emily up and headed out. She's warm under there, I promise (and yes, she can breathe), and she fell right to sleep.