We added a new cousin to the Tavilla clan this month. Congratulations Dianna & Kevin!
I love family weddings for catching up with family from all over the country (a few other cousins have gotten married in the last few years, and it's fun to get to know their spouses a little), and since Dianna & I have friends in common from Boston, I got to see some friends too. And, of course... I met my brand new nephew! We even managed a picture of Grammy & Grampy T with all five of their great-grandkids, with everyone sort of looking at the same camera. Of course, it wasn't my camera (which I didn't bring - silly), so I'll have to wait to get a copy.
Very conveniently for us, a lot of Alasdair's family lives within an
hour of the wedding location. We went down a couple days early and spent some time with Emily's great-grandparents. Here she is with Alasdair's grandfather, having a snack. Highlights for Emily: swimming in the pool, and playing with cousin Alexa (who turned 5 while were there there), and generally getting lots of attention. Highlights for A & I: playing lots of pinochle!, Alasdair golfing with Uncle Brian, and just hanging out with family we wish we saw more!
Oh! And Uncle Brian & Aunt Michelle baby-sat Emily for us so that we could enjoy the wedding reception baby-free. Fun. :)
This was the first time we'd flown with Emily as a toddler, and I was rather dreading it... but it really went fine. Emily never slept on the plane, but she never really cried either. We had an extra seat for her each leg of the trip, and she spent most of the flight climbing on & off the seat and taking the magazines out of all the seat back pockets. She discovered crayons (good tip from my SIL), and a new toy where you put plastic shapes in the right holes (thanks Aunt Michelle!) and was delighted by all the airplane snacks.
1) I forgot one funny part of the trip. Emily & I spent a day with Aunt M
ichelle & Taylor, and the family's 4 dogs (to Emily's delight). One of the dogs was a great dane, and every time Emily saw him, she would say "neiighh!"
2) Here's a picture of my grandparents with their 5 great grandchildren!