Adara turned
one month old yesterday. I put away all the newborn size clothes that are getting tight and felt that pang of realizing she's past the tiny tiny stage. So fast! :( She marked the occasion with her first cold (courtesy of big sister) and first slightly longer stretch of nighttime sleep (of course I didn't go to bed early enough to take advantage of it, but hopefully there will be more to come!). Adara is really an easy baby, generally content. Doesn't fuss in the tub, or during tummy time. She's bit of a spitter, so we're learning what burp clothes are for! She's started giving some social smiles. She's starting to be more alert, but still can't stay awake more than about 1.5 hours. She is super noisy - constantly making little grunts, squeaks and gurgles (I think she sounds like a baby elephant, Alasdair says baby hawk.)
Emily continues to adjust to our newest family member, acting out less and showing more interest in holding and smiling at Adara. Granny Groves is here to visit this weekend - a great way to celebrate one month. Today was the first day we've cooked dinner since Adara was born - we have been well taken care of by family & friends!
In big sister news - we learned this week that Emily is in the subset of children whose response to Benadryl isn't drowsiness but hyperactivity. After a few disastrous nights & naps, we figured out the problem and have switched to a homeopathic cold medicine which seems to work much better! We also learned that Emily can climb
into the crib (which is still set up in her room)... which makes me a little nervous for Adara's safety once she moves in there!
A few more shots from today's photo shoot...