I wanted to share some miscellaneous thoughts & pictures, no real theme here.
Earlier this month, we spent an evening with my MA family. We met my cousin Angie's baby (Syndey is 3 months younger than Adara) and modeled my some of my great grandmothers hats. The next day, Dianna & I did a triathlon - so much fun. Due to the amount of spandex involved, there will be no photos here.
My friend Jill & I have started a kiddo swap - I take her two (the same ages as mine) once a week, and she takes mine the next day. It's wonderful.
Adara loves to climb. Her sister also loves to pick her up and put her in a cubby.
Adara is getting more challenging (read: opinionated) as she approaches a year old, but she is more fun as well. She constantly wants to walk around holding our hands, loves going to "Romp & Stomp" (kids story/song/dance time at the library) with the big kids, and has started the sweetest little night time routine. She says "na na" and does her little thumb-only wave, and then gives us "kisses" (she says "muh" and then leans her face into ours). In her room I hold her and sing Jesus Loves Me, and she lays her head on my shoulder, hugs her bunny, and "sings" along. These are the things I hope I don't forget!