I have such mixed feelings about this little man being a year old! I find myself nostalgic about the baby phase of our lives being over. We feel complete and so happy in this season, but it's strange to think about all the things I'll never experience again. It's also *very* nice to wake up less at night, and have the girls moving into ages where they can do things like make their own breakfast and pull their own suitcases in the airport. Emily is taking selfies of us on my iphone while I type. ;) As for Alden, he has a few more teeth through, and is a bit more content to be put down, or go to other people besides mom and dad. He's still so sweet and snuggly, and has the best giggle. No steps or words yet, so he really still seems like a baby, but he is cruising and babbling. He loves to eat, and current favorites are bananas, eggs, pancakes, pizza, hard granola bars, pears, and sweet potato. He laughs every time I brush his teeth. His sisters still adore him. He loves to swing and I think he's as happy as the rest of us to be outside in the sunshine lately!
Yesterday we marked his big day with waffles for dinner and of course, cupcakes!
A few other recent favorites of my sweet boy.
early morning snuggles, knowing he won't always wake up before 6am. :)
into the "into everything" phase!
He has the best big kid babysitters! He is one well-loved little dude.