My spunky girl turned 4 this weekend. Adara, at age four you are talkative, social, energetic, and always up for a fun adventure. You have a strong sense of logic, and don't miss a beat when something doesn't make sense to you. My middle child; you adore your siblings and relate so well to both of them. (Yesterday when a visiting friend took something from Alden you said right away, "Alden was happy with that; could you please give it back to him?")

You are determined, frustrated when you can't do something right, and always trying to learn something new (this week it's roller skating and basketball). You are the one who falls down hard, and then gets up and keeps running. You have insisted on wearing a dress just about every single day of the last year; a phase I keep waiting for you to outgrow but that shows no signs of doing so. You are bold, strong-willed, confident, and seem impervious to peer pressure, but you also have your vulnerable moments too that remind me of your sensitive side. When you hear me compliment your sister, you often turn your sweet little face up to me and ask 'Mommy, are you proud of me for anything?' and this morning you melted into tears in my lap because 'Emily is more beautifuler than me.' I worry sometimes that I push you too hard and don't baby you enough... but I could not be more proud of the little girl you are!
You have been talking since last year about who you are going to "invite to my birthday"; it seems to be your way of saying that you like someone. We didn't have a party, but we had a great weekend with a visit from Granny, candles in your breakfast donuts, making cupcakes, and lunch at "Five Men" (which you've also been asking for for months).
Emily gave you her bike as a gift, though you were most excited by the heart-shaped card she made you.
You also loved your Sofia dress from Granny, and your sparkly Frozen roller skates from Mommy & Daddy.
Some birthday questions...
Who is your best friend? "Efan"
What about someone your age? "Rocco" Okay, what about a girl your age. "I don't know..."
(some favorite friends are Emma, Fiona, Charlotte, Mallory & Lucy, and Eleanor from preschool)
What is your favorite...
Color? Pink
Book? Lucy {her name for the Narnia books}
Animal? Pony
Food? "Hmm, I'd say, a chocolate bunny."
Thing to do outside? Swim
Thing to do with Daddy? Watch him cook
With Mommy? Read books
With Emily? Her help me skate
With Alden? play Star Wars {this involves something about zooming airplanes?}
Outfit? This one! {her Sofia dress}
Thing about school? The spinny thing {a sit-n-spin...which she also loved back at age 2 when we'd bring Emily to school:)}
About outside preschool? Playing in the muddy water
What's something you're good at? Skating