Jeez. How did this HAPPEN? It seems like last month I was telling a friend how much I was loving the girls being 4 & 2 because they were old enough to really play together, and she said, "I know, and wait till 5 & 3, it's even better!" Now at 8 & 6(!!), they are best friends, and even pretty good at letting their little brother into their circle. I am so grateful for and proud of these kids.
Age five was a huge year for Adara! I love that her fall birthday gave this 'extra' year to have her home with me. She grew so much - really changing from a preschooler to a kid. She was a leader in her preschool class, became more able to understand herself and show compassion to others, and is so much fun to spend time with. She's strong, adventurous and capable - this year she learned to ski, swim, ride a bike, and water ski! We sent her off to kindergarten with full confidence that she was ready to fly.
Birthday breakfast - bagels with candles.
Her birthday fell on a Wednesday - outdoor classroom day - so her teacher invited me to join them. Chocolate cake baked over the fire and singing happy birthday around the tree circle. I love this little hippy school. :)
Birthday cupcakes and trying out her new makeup set with friends after school.