I know I shouldn't be enjoying snow so much in mid-November (it could be a loooong winter). But it has been magical and the kids have been so happy. And I'm still drinking my morning coffee on the porch swing!
This one has been praying for months for early snow -- you can blame her!
They had a 2-hour delay today, and spent every minute of it enjoying this picture perfect snowfall.
She was out at 7:30 working on a snowman.
Coaxed her partner in crime out at 8.
Singing & working together to figure out how to lift a giant snowball.
Ta da! First snowman all by themselves.
Snowball fights & giggles.
A few minutes before school started at 10, I thew some lunches together and toasted them bagels to eat in the car, double checked that they'd changed out of their PJ's under their snowsuits (definitely hadn't brushed their hair or teeth), and dragged them away from their fun. Such a sweet morning.
And these are hanging in my garage all tuned up and itching to be used...
In February when I'm desperate for sunshine, someone remind me of this 😬