Monday, May 7, 2018

DC Trip

Emily told us last year that one of her life dreams was to see the Lincoln Memorial in person.  :)   So, for the kids April vacation week, we did our PA/DC loop, visiting Granny & the Leanders in PA, the Bestors (plus surprise visit from Alden & Taylor!), Bargers & Hanauers in the DC area, plus a couple days in the middle to visit some museums & monuments.  It was a fun family adventure. 

(Not pictured: Mommy Dari & Aunt Taylor date at Starbucks)

Family time in DC

Air & Space Museum

Carousel on the Mall

Dinner out, the kids 1st Uber

Natural History Museum

Look close to see the butterfly on her shoulder. She stood absolutely still for probably 20 minutes in the butterfly room, in hopes one would land on her.

We made it!  This did not disappoint.  She stood quietly and took it in, and asked me to read her the Gettysburg Address from the wall.

 Mommy Emily date - Walk in Capitol Hill and gelato.

Rachel's house!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Alden turned 4!

Alasdair & I were out of town for the CCEF 50th anniversary celebration, so Alden celebrated his actual birthday with Mimi & Papa. The next day we had a birthday dinner with his sweet bff's -- pizza and lacrosse in the rain.   💙💚

I remembered a few days later to ask him some birthday questions.

Who's your best friend: You. And Ethan and Micah and Graham and Ben. I love you all infinity. That's a lot of love!
Favorite ,,,,
color: Today it's... yellow.  No, purple! (he chooses a new one every day:)
book: Cat in the Hat Comes Back
song: Cartoon Havana  (his term for the Pentatonix version)
to do at school: Play with Eliana, we like to read books together.
with daddy: play chess
with the girls: play with them, like imagination
with mommy: just be with you
about being 4: just being 4.  and being able to bounce this high.

I can't imagine our family without this guy - his energy, facial expressions, affection, vocabulary, love for sports, and ability to make me laugh
