Friday, September 4, 2015


Another post I meant to write about the last week of summer vacation....

The kids and I had the best day trip to Boston last week.  I wasn't sure how all the driving in one day plus navigating the city would go, but everything worked perfectly.  The kids were good in the car, we didn't get lost or stuck in traffic...It was pouring rain when we left home, but by the time we got to our first stop, the sun was shining.  I'd been wanting to get in to a good running shoe store and since there are none within an hour of us, I took advantage of being on the road anyway.  The kids were really good in the store despite it taking me an hour and a half to decide on shoes!

The main reason for the trip was to meet up with local friends who were spending the summer in Boston.  We parked at Gov't Center and had a nice half mile walk to meet them at the aquarium.  The kids loved it, especially Emily.  Alden was happy to walk up and down all the ramps.

a little overwhelmed by the city, but having fun

Emily could have looked at penguins all day

the big tank

touching starfish

climbing the tanks ;)

treats from Market Pastry!  I'm still thinking about my cannoli :)


Despite all it takes to wrangle 6 kids in the city, Sarah and I were able to talk and catch up. We sat in this lovely grassy spot for awhile in the late afternoon while the kids ran in the fountains.

And then, as a great bonus, because everything about the day happened a few hours later than I planned, I realized we'd still be in the city at the end of the work day, so we got to meet up with Becky & Nicolas for dinner!  I think the girls may have been even more excited to see Nico than Becky... which considering their love for their aunt, is really saying something.

The girls and I talked for awhile while we drove home before they fell asleep. We also watched the coolest lightening storm in the distance for the first hour and a half of the trip.  It a fun day of visits, and most of all a really good adventure with my kids.

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