I think I have 500 pictures from August! 😜
We signed a lease on the rental house on my birthday and then enjoyed a last minute dinner date at Lucky's. Then, family vacation week at the lake! Highlights off the top of my head -- Emily learned to water ski, Adara joined Papa & me on a bike ride, Alden tried tubing, all the kids practiced driving the gator, played with 2nd cousins on the Palace Rocks, and spent a lot of time identifying birds and trees. Alasdair and I had an awesome overnight to Burlington while the kids stayed with mom & dad -- great hotel, miles and miles of bike rides along the lake, some beach time, and an amazing dinner out at the same restaurant where we went for our first anniversary, when we ran a summer program in Burlington 14 years ago.
Took the wrong trail aiming for Kronks and explored the Indian Trail at Stoneyides, and then had a full tour from Nellie. :). Alasdair found a book written about relative of his!
24 hour visit from Mary Beth Miller and her 4 youngest kids -- our kids immediately bonded and had the best time together. We pledged not to let 8 years go by between visits next time!

Watching big sister at piano camp, hanging out on the green afterwards.
Farm carrots + pool time = 💛
Spontaneous all-day project of cleaning out & trading rooms (everyone has their own room for the first time) -- celebrated with ice cream!
Then back to the lake for the "Papa's birthday" fair, this year complete with tigers!

After last year's heartbreak of being a hair shy of the 48" required to ride the rides with the rest of the big kids, this year Emily was too tall for some rides and Alden too short for others, but Adara was just right to ride every ride at the fair!

Hinman cabin overnight...

Rainy walk to a neighbor's birthday party.

...Last day at the pool, and then back to the lake for Big House weekend!
Another magical weekend with some of our favorite people. Hard to believe it was our 6th year -- the first year we did this the oldest kids were 10, Alden was an infant, and Emily was headed into K. This year - we sent the oldests to drive into town alone for groceries, Emily is 10, and Alden is headed into K!
Emily did piano camp, and the aces & I day tripped to visit Jackie J and her kids -- again, immediate friendships between our kids.
Watching big sister at piano camp, hanging out on the green afterwards.
Farm carrots + pool time = 💛
Aldens hat collection makes me smile - gifts from Mr. Eshbaugh, Mr. Crane & Mr. Audino
Then back to the lake for the "Papa's birthday" fair, this year complete with tigers!
After last year's heartbreak of being a hair shy of the 48" required to ride the rides with the rest of the big kids, this year Emily was too tall for some rides and Alden too short for others, but Adara was just right to ride every ride at the fair!
Hinman cabin overnight...
the mussels moved out of the pile the kids made and left cool patterns in the sand.
Pizza dinner by the river & daddy's frisbee game
Rainy walk to a neighbor's birthday party.
...Last day at the pool, and then back to the lake for Big House weekend!
Another magical weekend with some of our favorite people. Hard to believe it was our 6th year -- the first year we did this the oldest kids were 10, Alden was an infant, and Emily was headed into K. This year - we sent the oldests to drive into town alone for groceries, Emily is 10, and Alden is headed into K!
laughing on the piazza with these people is one of my favorite things.
this year we were reliving the year one person wandered off and we imagined him being abducted by someone out of the woods... when suddenly cousin David appeared out of the darkness 😂
being on kid duty was a real sacrifice...
It was a packed 3.5 weeks and we all came home and crashed for the last couple of days before school. I'm still getting my mind around summer being over. I'm not ready, but here we go!
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