Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little developments

The most exciting thing that happened today was that (after weeks of coaxing), Emily started saying "ma ma". She obviously has no idea what it means, but she's been babbling lots of other syllables for awhile now (most often "dadadada" - to which I respond "mamama" - to which she laughs and responds "dadada"), but today was the first time she made an "m". :)

Also, she's thinking about getting mobile. I'm trying to convince her that she's not ready for that yet... but today I put her on her back to play, and before I knew it, she'd flipped onto her belly and scooted backward about four feet. Ruh roh...

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, thanks for keeping a blog! It's really fun check in every once in a while to see what you all have been up to... I just wanted to let you know that Sam is now 19 months old and STILL doesn't call me "mama" with any frequency. He calls Peter and me both "dada." I hope Emily catches on more quickly! ;) Love you guys, Betsy
