I started this post a long time ago, and just now got around to adding pictures. Since we are moving again in a week and a half, it's time to get this posted. :)
We have now spent a week straight in one place, and it feels wonderful. We are thankful to have survived (almost) the month of July. In the 1st three weeks we lived in 5 places, and Emily had 2 high viral fevers (in addition to the one she had the week before we moved) and cut four teeth. All of the above made for a lot of mid-night wakings, and a very tired family. Luckily, we were well taken care of. We had Uncle Alden (or Uncle "All-Done" or "Dada" to Emily) with us for the first week or so, lived with my family for awhile, and had a houseful of friends to help while we were in NY for a wedding. Once we got "home" to Newport last week, my cousin Dianna came for a few days to help with Emily (and babysit so we didn't have to bring her to a board meeting, hooray!) and then Mom Groves & Aunt Becky came for the weekend. I'm not sure what we're going to do with ourselves now that we are on our own again!
A few glimpses of life in rural New Hampshire. Our next-door neighbors are
Sunshine Baptist Church (the owner of our house, kindly allowing us to live here!) and
the Fabulous Fifties Car-Hop Drive In.
Across the street is a river. The town is so small that when I asked for directions to the post office, they were "Drive into town and turn right. It's next to the church." Newport is also the home of the Lil Red Baron mexican restaurant... complete with outdoor seating on plastic tables, next to the campfire. We do have high speed internet and much better cell phone reception than we ever did in Philly. (Two things we had none of last time we lived in NH, so times are changing!)
Large sign in front of the Fabulous Fifties. Emily felt very welcome (look close to see her sweet Harley Davidson tshirt), as do many many motorcyle-riders.
Stay tuned for pictures of our next (and last...for a year or two) house!
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