Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Things Emily Is Into: December 2010

'No (Snow)
I finally got Emily snow pants, and we've been out in the snow every day since. The few inches we have on the ground are just enough for her to tramp around in. Here she is with Dada on a family walk.

Becky visited in November & introduced Emily to reading under a blanket. Since then, every time Emily is read a book, she insists on a "banket".

Alasdair bought a giant bucket of preztels at BJ's a few weeks ago, and Emily is obsessed. Every time I open the pantry door she starts asking for them. I've been using them to keep her happy in the car - now she asks for one every time I put her in her carseat. The child who eats like a bird will walk around with petzoo's in her mouth all. day. long.

Emily has started to gravitate towards certain other kids. Our church here is full of kids her age, which is super. When we pull up to our friends' house for community group, she starts talking about "Ell-eet" (Elliot). She'd been in a phase of sobbing every time I left her in the nursery... then this last week her friend Austin came over to see her when we walked in, and she saw another little girl she likes & her eyes lit up. I was able to leave her there with no tears!

She's into so many things these days that I can't write about them all. Some others that come to mind: chopping her wooden fruit, stickers, dancing!

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