Friday, September 28, 2012


I wanted to share some miscellaneous thoughts & pictures, no real theme here.

Earlier this month, we spent an evening with my MA family.  We met my cousin Angie's baby (Syndey is 3 months younger than Adara) and modeled my some of my great grandmothers hats.  The next day, Dianna & I did a triathlon - so much fun.  Due to the amount of spandex involved, there will be no photos here.

My friend Jill & I have started a kiddo swap - I take her two (the same ages as mine) once a week, and she takes mine the next day.  It's wonderful.  

Adara loves to climb.  Her sister also loves to pick her up and put her in a cubby.

Adara is getting more challenging (read: opinionated) as she approaches a year old, but she is more fun as well.  She constantly wants to walk around holding our hands, loves going to "Romp & Stomp" (kids story/song/dance time at the library) with the big kids, and has started the sweetest little night time routine.  She says "na na" and does her little thumb-only wave, and then gives us "kisses" (she says "muh" and then leans her face into ours).  In her room I hold her and sing Jesus Loves Me, and she lays her head on my shoulder, hugs her bunny, and "sings" along.  These are the things I hope I don't forget!  

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet night time routine!! :) The thing I love most about that last picture is her chunky leg. If she's anything like Luci, as soon as she starts walking that chunk will disappear, so love it while she's got it!
