A couple of weeks ago, cabin fever set in. (As a friend pointed out, we do actually live in a cabin, so it's an appropriate term.) I realized that we weren't going to survive until April unless we came up with some new things to do. Creative toddler play is not really my forte, so suggestions are welcome! Lately, we've...
...opened Emily's last Christmas present (see the tea party picture below!)
...made a macaroni table

...decorated the living room window (with window stickers I found at the grocery store for 10 cents after Vday)

...and joined the local kids science museum! This place is a HUGE winner, and I can't believe it took us this long to get over there. We went for the first time yesterday and Emily spent 40 minutes looking at the fishes, turtles & frogs. We made it to one other exhibit before lunchtime... so there is a lot left to explore.
(she sat on this stool kicking her feet, pointing at turtles, and doing her happy little wiggle dance for so long. it made me so happy.)
Those are great activities! Thanks for sharing these. :)