Saturday, January 14, 2012


She keeps us laughing!

The other day I asked Emily if she was delicious... "No!  I'm Emily Claire Groves!  Well, maybe my name could be Emily Claire Groves Pickle Delicious."   [Pickle is Granny Groves' nickname for Emily.]   When she needs my help, she's taken to yelling, "Help me!  Ayuda me!"  (Thank you Dora.)

Recently she has wanted to pray before dinner.  She squeezes her eyes shut and uses the same phrases every time.  "Lord... please help us eat and rest and love each other.  and please help us take naps."  Reveals what she hears us pray for most!

I wish I could video everything she says - her pipsqueaky voice and funny little phrases.  While Becky was living with us, she kept a list of funny things Emily said (something I've always meant to do); here are a few of my favorites.

L: yell if you need me.
E: (immediately) EEEEEEEEEE!

B: you are ready to rock!
E: and roll, too!

L: (puts present under the tree)
E: did you bring me gold and frankincense and myhrr?

L: let's watch a video of your friend rachel!
E: let's watch Dora instead!

E: can I borrow Adara?
B: what for?
E: disobeying!

E: (after flinging her bunny puppets across the room) I think the bunnies are covered in hurt!

B: do you want to put your other sock on?
E: no, I want to put it on the doorknob and save it for later..

B: you're funny.
E: no, I'm hilarious!

B: hey small fry!
E: I'm a home fry! A BIG home fry!

E: Becky Becky Becky Becky!
B: What do you need?
E: You!!!

E: mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy!
L: I'm listening. What do you want to say?
E: I want to say mommy!

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