Sunday, January 10, 2016


Emily's "team time" (a mixed-grade interdisciplinary learning time she has a few times each week) this past fall was all about Mexico: learning some Spanish words and about the culture of Mexico.  Friday morning at Morning Sing, her group of kinders and 1st graders performed some of what they'd learned. Alasdair, Adara, Alden and I walked over to the school to watch her, and as we ran into friends and chatted with various teachers who had things to say about our kids, I was reminded of how much I love this little school where my kids are known and cared for. It's amazing to me that my shy 6 year old thinks it normal to be up on stage in front of her peers on a regular basis, and that the environment there feels safe enough for her to do that. She told me that her "stomach felt sick" because of her nervousness, but she felt good about her performance.  There are some videos here on our youtube page.  We had some leftover gift cards to the local mexican restaurant, so we took the kids that night to celebrate her... a big treat since we never go out to eat as a family.  The kids all refused to eat anything but french fries, but we had fun. :)

Adara was "artist of the week" this week, so this piece was sitting on an easel by the front entrance.   The caption reads, "It is NOT a box.  It is an art monster!"

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