Monday, May 1, 2017

April odds & ends

Adara had told me awhile ago that she had a loose tooth, but she kept changing which one she was pointing to so I assumed it was wishful thinking.  Then, one morning she showed me again, and I realized she did indeed have two very loose teeth. After breakfast while the girls were getting ready for church, they came bursting out of their bedroom to show us that Emily had pulled one out for her!  That afternoon, they spent most of their quiet time trying out different ways to get the second tooth out, until I eventually begged them to stop.  But, later that night at dinner, it came out.  So, her first two teeth out in one day!  

Begging every day to play baseball.  Despite it being 40* out with snow on the ground. 

Photographer for the local paper was wandering the neighborhood looking for human interest photos, so Emily had this moment of local fame. :)

Second grade singing the "Water Cycle Song" at Morning Sing

I'm not sure anything says New Hampshire spring like this.  Playing around the last stubborn snow banks on the first hot day.

Our backyard is always muddy for a few days... but this wet spring it has been out of control. Ugh.

My main goal for the summer was to get the girls riding bikes without training wheels.  The last day of school break was beautiful out and and we gave it a try... a week later, Emily is riding around the neighborhood on her own, and Adara is riding great but just needs help getting started.
And this little guy is pretty happy about his strider bike!

Playdate with the neighbors - another pair of sisters about my girls' ages

Adara running romp & stomp

First time painting their own nails

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