I took Emily to her first wedding this past weekend. Katie & I drove up to MA together, where Jua joined us to spend the weekend at my parents' house & to attend Jackie & Brendan's wedding. It was so nice to have K&J to help me with Emily since Alasdair couldn't come! The church was beautiful, the ceremony was sweet, and the reception was a fun time of catching up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile (including Laura who flew home early from Europe to be there, and her boyfriend Paris who I hadn't had a chance to meet yet!) . Good combination! Emily was quiet through the whole ceremony and did a good job meeting lots of new people in a noisy place. She stayed with me at the reception for a little while, until Grampy & Grammy Ware came to pick her up & take her to visit GG & Great Grampy T. (She is quite the social butterfly.) Overall I think it was one of Emily's best weekends of traveling, despite the fact that she barely slept both nights! We are hoping for better things in that department as we head to OH next weekend. In the meantime we've been working on getting her on a better schedule.
I didn't take a single picture this weekend, but here are a few from other people...
I didn't take a single picture this weekend, but here are a few from other people...

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