Monday, November 2, 2009

So much for normal...

This post will probably be very rambl-y because I only have a couple minutes. I almost titled it "I don't think I'm cut out for this!" I posted a month or so ago about re-engaging with life and developing a sense of normalcy. That went swimmingly for about two weeks! Then... Emily got sick & stopped sleeping well. Then she seemed to be teething. Then it seemed like a growth spurt... and we traveled every weekend... and somehow all of October is gone & we seem to have lost the knack of this! Just like all the veteran moms told me - just when you think you have something figured out, it all changes. I had started going back to the gym, but with Emi being sick & then only having one car for awhile, that stopped. Now since Emily stopped sleeping well, we've being working on getting her on a schedule & she goes to bed earlier soI've had to give up Women's Bible Study (WBS) for awhile. Bah. Add in the sleep deprivation & it's been discouraging! I crashed pretty hard yesterday. Life always looks a little brighter in the morning (at least while Emily is napping!:) and I'm encouraged by doing what I can of WBS at home (fighting hard to stay focused & ignore the urge to run & clean the kitchen while Emily is sleeping and praying that God will give me HIS vision for my life, that I will own the words of the hymn "Be Thou My Vision" that I sing to Emily so often...) and my reading the blog of another mom-friend reminding me that this is "challenging" not "impossible" and we are given grace for the moment. Mmm, that's been hard to remember!

On a brighter note - once I get the pictures off the camera, I'll post about Emily's Halloween play date.

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