Sunday, June 30, 2013


Adara is at the stage of talking where I repeat everything she says because it's so cute!  That, and she says things over and over until I do. :)  She talks constantly, narrating the world around her, veering into unintelligible when she gets too excited.  She wants to know what/who everything is, "Wassat Mommyy?"  "Oo-sat Mommy?" and has an opinion about most of it, "I wan go fwings [swings] now Mommy, I wan go fwings now."   She wants attention all the time - today she made Emily ["Wach dis Umily!"] watch her take each bite of oatmeal, which Emily kindly complied with, "What a big girl you are Adara." each time.  I forgot how much fun this age is!

A few nights ago she was crying in her crib, so I went it to see what was wrong.  She rested her head on my shoulder while I asked her "Are you hot?" (yes) "Are you cold? (yes)  "Does something hurt? (long pause...) "I sad.  Cy-in. [crying] Want mommy."  How can I be stern about bedtime with that kind of heart-melting answer?  

Never wanting to be left out of anything, one of her trademark phrases is "I wan come too."  I first really noticed it when Emily was leaving on a trip with my parents.  I leaned Adara into the car to and asked her if she wanted to say goodbye to Emily.  "No!  I wan come too!"
Another time recently she was croupy and couldn't sleep, and as I rocked her back to sleep in for the zillionth time at 2am, I lay her back down and she immediately woke up.  I told her calmly that Mommy was going back to bed and she needed to lie down and go to sleep (this actually often works with her!)... she sleepily lifted up her arms and said through her tears "I wan come too mama!" I couldn't leave her behind.

She calls peanut butter & jelly "pillyjelly".

She refers to herself sometimes as Dari, but if you ask her her name, she refuses to answer, or yells "Aloe-Emily-Jill!" (our friends' names..this somehow became her joke and she laughs every time).  But tonight after she said that, I asked her "Is your name Adara?" and she said, "No!  I Baby Kafryn Goves Tickle Elicious!"
Apparently she's been listening when we refer to Emily's self-proclaimed full name.

She wants to be one of the big kids.  She follows Emily and her friends around the playground with no fear.  "I cime side Mommy. [climb slide]."  "I big kid."

She loves her baby doll, and is very into taking care of her.  "Where baby go?" "Where baby go bottle?"  "I change baby di-puh"

That reminds me... she is also determined to potty train herself.  She went through a phase of being interested last winter, which waned... but she's started up again, with a lot of success this week.  And also a lot of taking her diaper off at night and going to the bathroom in her crib.  Sigh.

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