We didn't see my parents at Christmas, so they came to visit for the long weekend. By that of course I mean that my parents didn't get to see Emily at Christmas, so they came down to visit her. :) And it was wonderful. I love coming downstairs after she wakes up and dropping her off to the waiting arms of her grandparents. I think they both got their fill of snuggles, playing with toys, being gnawed on, having baby fingers stuck in their mouths (I really think we might have a budding dentist on our hands...), attempting to get baby food into Emily's mouth around her waving arms, and changing diapers (ok, I don't think my dad changed any diapers!). I was in class all day on Saturday, so they all came to pick me up for lunch. Emily was very happy sitting on Grampy's lap and trying to drink out of his cup. She also discovered cantaloupe, a thin slice of which turns out to be a great teething snack. My Grampy T - the fruit expert - would be proud. Oh, and on Monday when Alasdair was at work, they babysat so that I could do a couple hours of errands baby-free! After Emily was in bed, we enjoyed yummy Indian food, grown up conversation, and the season premiere of 24. We miss them already!!!
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