My Granny Ware passed away the week before last after a long battle with cancer. We are so grateful that all of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were able to visit with her in the last few weeks, and that the end was swift and peaceful. She died at home with family around her, and that she's now reunited with my Grampy.
We spent last weekend in MA participating in the calling hours (so neat to see who came) and funeral & luncheon back at her house. After all the formal activities were over, we spent the rest of the weekend with my cousins, swimming in Granny's pool and being together. It was really good time. (A few more pictures are in the September photo album.)

Emily, Izzie & Rosalie

We spent last weekend in MA participating in the calling hours (so neat to see who came) and funeral & luncheon back at her house. After all the formal activities were over, we spent the rest of the weekend with my cousins, swimming in Granny's pool and being together. It was really good time. (A few more pictures are in the September photo album.)

Oh! And I was just reminded about one funny Emily line from the weekend. She napped during the drive down to MA, and woke up as we pulled into my parents driveway. As her eyes popped wide open, she immediately burst out "Papa's house!! And mimi! We made it!" And throwing her hands in the air, "Hosanna!!"
It was great to see you this weekend, even in sad circumstances. See you again next month!