It's been awhile since I posted, because life has been stressful lately! Last week we spent just about all day every day trying to kick two bug problems in our house. Our cats got fleas, so we had to have the house treated (which involved getting everything up off the floor and doing a couple rounds of obsessive vacuuming both before & after the treatment). While pest control was here, we decided to have them also take care of the roach problem we've been having in our kitchen. That involved removing everything from the kitchen cabinets, and since we couldn't put anything in the rest of the house because of the flea bombs, we moved it all to the backyard (I'll post a picture of this when I get it on my computer). While our house was full of various pesticides, we took Emily and the two cats to Alasdair's mom's house overnight (the cats stayed outside in a carrier lest they bring fleas in to her cats). Moving at a breakneck pace, I was able to get the house mostly put back together (about a dozen loads of laundry, lots of vacuuming, washing & returning kitchen gear to cabinets- thanks to my friend Katie's help!) just in time to pack up for our trip to MA for Labor Day.
The weekend was great, but we are learning that we need to slow our pace of life now that there is a little one in the picture. Emily had a hard time with all the extra stimulation and missed naps. The reason for the trip was my Auntie Cindy's 50th birthday bash, which turned into a family reunion! Such a treat to see my grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles from TX, TN, FL, NC & MA. This was Emily's first time meeting my mom's side of the family. We were also able to visit with my dad's family, and Alasdair's cousins who also live in MA. And of course, Emily got to spend some more time with her grandparents and her cousin Rosalie. As you can see from the pictures on our picasa page, the size difference between them is less dramatic than it was a couple months ago!
We drove home yesterday, and went over to meet Emily's new friend Madda Rose Larsen! (Born to our dear friends Erik & Amanda on September 5th.) One of the pictures above is of
us along with fellow Red Sox fans Josh & Laurel and their two kids. We're so glad to have good friends on this journey!
Today I started back to work. I'll be working three mornings a week: two mornings Emi will be at home with Alasdair, and the third she will spend with Granny Groves. We're so grateful that we can cover childcare within the family. The day went well - it was very strange to be back in the office, but the day went quickly. Alasdair & Emily did well too - she took her bottle well and napped better than she had this weekend (although still not back to her two hour naps!).
So now we are home, trying to catch up on rest & settle into a routine, and finish up the battle against the bugs. We're tired!!
Pictures above: Emily & Rosalie with Great Grampy T, most of the Tavilla cousins & families with the birthday girl, GG (Claire) with Emily Claire, Dianna Clare & Amanda Claire, meeting Madda Rose. More on the picasa page!
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